News: Paste Script ================== .. contents:: 3.6.0 (2024-04-27) ------------------ * Pastescript is moved to With version 3.6.0 pastescript development moves to the pasteorg GitHub organization and will be going deeper into maintenance mode unless more active maintainers step forward to take over. "Deeper" in this case means that releases will be much less frequent and patches will only be accepted for security issues or major problems. Current consumers of pastescript should prepare to migrate away to more modern solutions. 3.5.1 (2024-03-15) ------------------ * Be explicit about Python 3 being required. 3.5.0 (2024-03-14) ------------------ * Remove remains of Python 2 in code. Thanks to Alexandre Detiste (a-detiste) 3.4.0 (2024-01-22) ------------------ * Correct working with PasteDeploy >=3. Thanks brondsem. 3.3.0 (2023-01-03) ------------------ * Remove support for Python 2 in tests. It may still work outside tests. * Fix homepage link. Thanks to Guillaume Gauvrit (mardiros). * Stop using nose to run tests. * Run tests in GitHub actions instead of travis CI. 3.2.1 (2021-04-27) ------------------ * Require ``setuptools`` in ``install_requires``. Thanks to Tomáš Hrnčiar (hrnciar) * Fix tests to run again. 3.2.0 (2019-09-24) ------------------ * Use wsgiserver.WSGIServer instead of wsgiutils.wsgiServer.WSGIServer for Python 3 compatibility. 3.1.0 (2019-03-04) ----------------- * Remove dependency on ``unittest2``. 3.0.0 (2018-11-26) ------------------ * Moved to `GitHub `_. * Put into maintenance mode, meaning: critical bugs will be fixed, and support for new versions of Python will be handled, but new features are not being considered. 2.0.2 (2015-05-27) ------------------ * Issue #20: Fix "paster points --list" on Python 3. * Fix cgi_server on Python 3. * Fix usage of the sort() method on Python 3. * Fix grep on Python 3. 2.0.1 (2015-05-26) ------------------ * Fix --help command on Python 3. Patch written by Atsushi Odagiri (aodag). * Fix "paster create --template=basic_package test" command on Python 3. Patch written by Atsushi Odagiri (aodag). * Fix error when 'paster create --list-template' on Python 3. Patch written by FGtatsuro. * Create universal wheel package. 2.0 (2015-05-26) ---------------- * Experimental Python 3 support. * six module is now required. * Drop support of Python 2.5 and older 1.7.5 ----- * Import CherryPy directly instead of including its server inline in the ``paste.script`` package. You must install CherryPy before using ``egg:PasteScript#cherrypy`` ------- * 1.7.4 had package release problems, was reverted; also had package problems. * Include special ``here`` and ``__file__`` default vars for logging config files, similar to PasteDeploy config loading. * Allow Jython to import various bits from ``paste.script.command`` and ``paste.script.copydir`` without throwing an import error (subprocess module cannot be imported on Jython). This allows PasteScript to work minimally on Jython, although execution will fail for ``command.run_command`` and ``copydir.copydir``. 1.7.3 ----- * CherryPy wsgiserver updated to 3.1.1, fixes a regression in Python 2.5 plus a couple other small fixes. 1.7.2 ----- * Fix a packaging issue that could cause problems when installing PasteScript. 1.7.1 ----- *'s FileOp can now handle a tuple as a source_dir argument that should function the same as the _template_dir option for pkg_resources. * CherryPy wsgiserver updated to trunk@2063 for Python 2.6 compatibility. 1.7 --- * _template_dir now takes a tuple argument, which should be the package name, and the relative location to the package of its template directory. pkg_resources will then be used to load make the templates rather than raw file access making it zip-safe. * CherryPy wsgiserver updated to the 3.1.0 release's. * Support Python 2.6. * Added experimental support for a quicker paster serve --reload for Jython. * Non-Python files in ``paste/script/templates/`` causes an error on 2.6; renamed directory to avoid this. 1.6.3 ----- * Fixes for ``paste.script.filemaker`` * A setuptools ``egg_info.writers`` entry point is now provided that's responsible for writing paster_plugins.txt for projects that define a new ``paster_plugins`` setup() keyword. paster_plugins.txt will still be created for new projects that need it and lack a ``paster_plugins`` setup() keyword, but this is deprecated. Projects defining ``paster_plugins`` in setup() should also define a ``setup_requires`` setup() keyword including PasteScript. * An ``egg_plugins`` variable (a list of strings based off the Templates classes' ``egg_plugins`` variables) is now available to paster create templates for the new ``paster_plugins`` setup() keyword. * PasteScript is no longer included in ``egg_plugins``/paster_plugins.txt by default. 1.6.2 ----- * Fix SkipTemplate (could raise ``TypeError: argument 1 must be string or read-only buffer, not None`` before) 1.6.1 (and ------------------- * Fix paster serve under Windows. 1.6 --- * Added commands ``paster request config.ini URL`` and ``paster post config.ini URL < post-body``, that allow you to do artificial requests to applications. * Check the writability of the pid and log files earlier. This caused particular problems if you started it in daemon mode, and the files weren't writable. From Chris Atlee. * Start the monitor (when using ``--monitor``) after daemonizing, so that ``paster serve --monitor --daemon`` works (before it would constantly restart). * In Paste Script templates, you can give ``should_echo=False`` in variable definitions, and if the user is queried for the variable then the input will not be echoed (as for a password). From Dirceu Pereira Tiegs. * Added a method ``paste.script.appinstall.Installer.template_renderer``, which can be used to override template substitution with ``paster make-config``. The function is similar to the same function used with ``paster create`` templates. * Remove ``--daemon`` option from Windows, as it depends on ``os.fork`` * When using ``paster create`` and inserting text with a ``-*-`` marker, multi-line text will no longer be reinserted. * Improved output when skipping templates with ``paster create``. * When starting a server with ``paster serve --daemon`` and the pid file exists and describes a running process, do not start another process. * Added ``umask`` option to ``egg:PasteScript#flup_fcgi_thread/fork``. * Deprecate the flup entry points, as flup now has the necessary entry points in its own package. 1.3.6 ----- * CherryPy wsgiserver updated to the 3.0.2 release's * paster no longer hides ``pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound`` error messages describing the target project's requirements. Aids the somewhat confusing "did you run develop?" message when it had already been ran, but since then had a requirement added that wasn't installed. * Logging configuration is now read from the config file during ``paster setup-app``. * Custom Formatters and Handlers (Handlers outside of the logging module) are now supported in logging configuration files. 1.3.5 ----- * Initialize logging earlier in the serve command for components that want to utilize it. Patch from Christopher Lenz. * Fixed Python 2.3 incompatibility (no ``string.Template``) in ``paste.script.appinstall``. 1.3.4 ----- * Make sure that when using ``--monitor`` or ``--reload``, if the parent monitoring process dies, also kill the subprocess. * When using ``paster serve --log-file``, append to the log file (was truncating any previous contents). * Read logging information from the server file, using the logging module's `standard configuration format `_ * When adding files don't fail because an svn command fails. Helpful particularly on Windows, when the svn command-line isn't installed (e.g., using TortoiseSVN). 1.3.3 ----- * Fixed problem with ``paster serve`` on Windows. Also on Windows, fixed issue with executables with spaces in their names (this case requires the ``win32all`` module). * You can use ``+dot+`` in your project template filenames, specifically so that you can use leading dots in the filename. Usually leading dots cause the file to be ignored. So if you want to have new projects contain a ``.cvsignore`` file, you can put a ``+dot+cvsignore`` file in your template. * Relatedly, ``+plus+`` has been added so you can include pluses. 1.3.2 ----- * ``paster`` was largely broken under Windows; fixed. 1.3.1 ----- * Fix related to Python 2.5 (when there are errors creating files, you could get infinite recursion under Python 2.5). * Use ``subprocess`` module in ``paster serve`` command. Added ``--monitor`` option which will restart the server if it exits. * The ``exe`` command now does % substitution in keys (e.g., ``pid_file=%(here)s/``). * Some import problems with Cheetah should be improved. 1.3 --- * Fixed an exception being raised when shutting down flup servers using sockets. * Fixed the CherryPy 3 WSGI server entry point's handling of SIGHUP and SIGTERM. * The CherryPy wsgiserver is now available at ``paste.script.wsgiserver`` (no longer requiring CherryPy to be installed). * Added entry point for twisted server. * Made ``paste.script.pluginlib:egg_info_dir`` work with packages that put the ``Package.egg-info/`` directory in a subdirectory (typically ``src/``). * Remove Cheetah requirement. Packages using Cheetah templates should require Cheetah themselves. If you are using ``paster make-config`` and you *don't* want to use Cheetah, you must add ``use_cheetah = False`` to your ``Installer`` subclass (it defaults to true for backward compatibility). * Make scripts work when there is no ```` (if you aren't making a Python/setuptools package). * When using ``paste.script.copydir.copy_dir`` (as with most ``paster create`` templates), you can raise ``SkipTemplate`` (or call the ``skip_template()`` function) which will cause the template to be skipped. You can use this to conditionally include files. * When using ``paster serve c:/...``, it should no longer confuse ``c:`` with a scheme (such as ``config:`` or ``egg:``). * More careful about catching import errors in ``websetup``, so if you have a bug in your ``app.websetup`` module it won't swallow it. 1.1 --- * Added a ``warn_returncode`` option to ``Command.run_command``, and make ``ensure_file`` use this for its svn command. * If the svn command-line program isn't working for you, commands that use ``ensure_file`` will continue to work but just with a warning. * Removed copyright notice that was accidentally included in new packages created by ``paster create``. * Allow variable assignments at the end of ``paster serve``, like ``paster serve http_port=80``; then you can use ``%(http_port)s`` in your config files (requires up-to-date Paste Deploy). * Allow a ``package_dir`` variable so that you can put your package into subdirectories of the base directory (e.g., ``src/``). * Changes to the ``twisted.web2`` wrapper (from pythy). * Warn when you run ``paster setup-app`` and no modules are listed in ``top_level.txt`` (which can happen with a newly checked out project). 1.0 --- * Added entry point for CherryPy 3's WSGI server. * Fixed ``paster serve`` to hide KeyboardInterrupt (CTRL-C) tracebacks in ``--reload`` mode. * Added ``template_renderer`` argument to ``paste.script.copydir.copydir``. This allows you to use arbitrary template languages, instead of just ``string.Template`` and Cheetah. 0.9.9 ----- * egg:PasteScript#test (the paste.script.testapp) now accepts ``lint`` and ``text`` boolean configuration. ``lint`` will turn on ``paste.lint`` validation. ``text`` will cause it to return a simple text/plain response with the environ, instead of an HTML table. * Improvements all around to ``paster points``, plus documentation for existing entry point groups. 0.9.8 ----- * New projects will now ignore ``Package.egg-info/dependency_links.txt``, just like all the other derivative files in the ``egg-info`` directory * ``paster serve --reload`` was broken on Windows when the Python executable was in a directory with spaces in it. This is probably a bug in the ``subprocess`` module. 0.9.7 ----- * Update to filemaker commands to take optional argument so that when new directories are for a Python package, they will have a created as well. 0.9.6 ----- * Do all variable assignment during package creation up-front, before actually creating the files. * Added the ``egg`` template variable: provides projects with a safe egg name as generated by setuptools. This should be used for egg-info directories in templates (e.g. ``+egg+.egg-info`` instead of ``+project+.egg-info``), and anywhere else the egg name is expected, to prevent errors with project names containing hyphens. 0.9 --- * Installer calls ``websetup.setup_app(command, conf, vars)``; ``setup_config()`` will be deprecated in the future * Added copyright information * ``paster serve config.ini#section`` works now * ``paster make-config/setup-app`` will read ``$PASTE_SYSCONFIG`` to find extra ```` files. * ``paster create`` will now query interactively for variables if they aren't explicitly provided. 0.5 --- * If the output directory doesn't exist when running ``paster create``, do not default to having interactive (confirmation) on. 0.4.2 ----- * Fixed the Flup FastCGI interface. (There seem to still be problems with forking FastCGI.) * The ``prepare-app`` command has been renamed ``make-config`` * Changed the way ``make-config`` and ``setup-app`` use ``sysconfig`` -- these are now modules that can define various functions * Allow for default config file names * Consider config generation that may produce a directory (this case is now generally workable) * Allow for multiple config files (specifically with --edit) * Give config file generation the variables ``app_install_uuid`` and ``app_install_secret`` that they can use for their config files * Include Ka-Ping Yee's uuid module in ``paste.script.util.uuid`` * ``paster help`` doesn't bail when commands can't be loaded * Be a little safer when ``--edit`` fails and ``--setup`` is provided (don't automatically set up if the edit seems to have failed) 0.4.1 ----- * Two small bugfixes, one related to the ``basic_package`` template (it included a reference to ``finddata``, which it should not have), and a fix to how the ``.egg-info`` directory is determined. 0.4 --- * Added ``points`` command, for entry-point related queries. * paste.deploy config files that start with ``#!/usr/bin/env paster`` can make a script into an executable. * Improvements to ``paster serve`` command: - Handle bad PID files better - Daemonization is more reliable - Allow ``start``, ``stop``, ``restart`` instead of just options * Improvements to ``paster create`` command: - Invoked interactively by default (so that you are warned before overwriting files) * Added new commands: - ``points`` for viewing Egg entry point information - ``prepare-app`` and ``setup-app`` for installing web applications * Fixed bug in how Egg distributions are loaded. 0.3.1 ----- * Fixed small bug with running ``paster serve`` on Windows. (Small to fix, kept script from running on Windows entirely). 0.3 --- Initial release.