Paste Script: Development ========================= :author: Ian Bicking :revision: $Rev$ :date: $LastChangedDate$ .. contents:: Introduction ------------ This document is an introduction to how you can extend ``paster`` and Paste Script for your system -- be it a framework, server setup, or whatever else you want to do. What Paste Script Can Do ------------------------ ``paster`` is a two-level command, where the second level (e.g., ``paster help``, ``paster create``, etc) is pluggable. Commands are attached to `Python Eggs `_, i.e., to the package you distribute and someone installs. The commands are identified using `entry points `_. To make your command available do something like this in your ```` file:: from setuptools import setup setup(... entry_points=""" [paste.paster_command] mycommand = mypackage.mycommand:MyCommand [paste.global_paster_command] myglobal = mypackage.myglobal:MyGlobalCommand """) This means that ``paster mycommand`` will run the ``MyCommand`` command located in the ``mypackage.mycommand`` module. Similarly with ``paster myglobal``. The distinction between these two entry points is that the first will only be usable when ``paster`` is run inside a project that is identified as using your project, while the second will be globally available as a command as soon as your package is installed. How's the Local Thing Work? --------------------------- So if you have a local command, how does it get enabled? If the person is running ``paster`` inside their project directory, ``paster`` will look in ``Project_Name.egg-info/paster_plugins.txt`` which is a list of project names (the name of your package) whose commands should be made available. This is for frameworks, so frameworks can add commands to ``paster`` that only apply to projects that use that framework. What Do Commands Look Like? --------------------------- The command objects (like ``MyCommand``) are subclasses of ``paste.script.command.Command``. You can look at that class to get an idea, but a basic outline looks like this:: from paste.script import command class MyCommand(command.Command): max_args = 1 min_args = 1 usage = "NAME" summary = "Say hello!" group_name = "My Package Name" parser = command.Command.standard_parser(verbose=True) parser.add_option('--goodbye', action='store_true', dest='goodbye', help="Say 'Goodbye' instead") def command(self): name = self.args[0] if self.verbose: print "Got name: %r" % name if self.options.goodbye: print "Goodbye", name else: print "Hello", name ``max_args`` and ``min_args`` are used to give error messages. You can also raise ``command.BadCommand(msg)`` if the arguments are incorrect in some way. (Use ``None`` here to give no restriction) The ``usage`` variable means ``paster mycommand -h`` will give a usage of ``paster mycommand [options] NAME``. ``summary`` is used with ``paster help`` (describing your command in a short form). ``group_name`` is used to group commands together for ``paste help`` under that title. The ``parser`` object is an `optparse ` ``OptionParser`` object. ``Command.standard_parser`` is a class method that creates normal options, and enables options based on these keyword (boolean) arguments: ``verbose``, ``interactive``, ``no_interactive`` (if interactive is the default), ``simulate``, ``quiet`` (undoes verbose), and ``overwrite``. You can create the parser however you want, but using ``standard_parser()`` encourages a consistent set of shared options across commands. When your command is run, ``.command()`` is called. As you can see, the options are in ``self.options`` and the positional arguments are in ``self.args``. Some options are turned into instance variables -- especially ``self.verbose`` and ``self.simulate`` (even if you haven't chosen to use those options, many methods expect to find some value there, which is why they are turned into instance variables). There are quite a few useful methods you can use in your command. See the `Command class `_ for a complete list. Some particulars: ``run_command(cmd, arg1, arg2, ..., cwd=os.getcwd(), capture_stderr=False)``: Runs the command, respecting verbosity and simulation. Will raise an error if the command doesn't exit with a 0 code. ``insert_into_file(filename, marker_name, text, indent=False)``: Inserts a line of text into the file, looking for a marker like ``-*- marker_name -*-`` (and inserting just after it). If ``indent=True``, then the line will be indented at the same level as the marker line. ``ensure_dir(dir, svn_add=True)``: Ensures that the directory exists. If ``svn_add`` is true and the parent directory has an ``.svn`` directory, add the new directory to Subversion. ``ensure_file(filename, content, svn_add=True)``: Ensure the file exists with the given content. Will ask the user before overwriting a file if ``--interactive`` has been given. Templates --------- The other pluggable part is "templates". These are used to create new projects. Paste Script includes one template itself: ``basic_package`` which creates a new setuptools package. To enable, add to ````:: setup(... entry_points=""" [paste.paster_create_template] framework = framework.templates:FrameworkTemplate """) ``FrameworkTemplate`` should be a subclass of ``paste.script.templates.Template``. An easy way to do this is simply with:: from paste.script import templates class FrameworkTemplate(templates.Template): egg_plugins = ['Framework'] summary = 'Template for creating a basic Framework package' required_templates = ['basic_package'] _template_dir = 'template' use_cheetah = True ``egg_plugins`` will add ``Framework`` to ``paste_plugins.txt`` in the package. ``required_template`` means those template will be run before this one (so in this case you'll have a complete package ready, and you can just write your framework files to it). ``_template_dir`` is a module-relative directory to find your source files. The source files are just a directory of files that will be copied into place, potentially with variable substitutions. Three variables are expected: ``project`` is the project name (e.g., ``Project-Name``), ``package`` is the Python package in that project (e.g., ``projectname``) and ``egg`` is the project's egg name as generated by setuptools (e.g., ``Project_Name``). Users can add other variables by adding ``foo=bar`` arguments to ``paster create``. Filenames are substituted with ``+var_name+``, e.g., ``+package+`` is the package directory. If a file in the template directory ends in ``_tmpl`` then it will be substituted. If ``use_cheetah`` is true, then it's treated as a `Cheetah `_ template. Otherwise `string.Template `_ is used, though full expressions are allowed in ``${expr}`` instead of just variables. See the `templates module `_ for more.